Diversity/Equity/Inclusion Overview

Superintendent's Message

A spark went off in the spring of '20 with the killing of George Floyd that shined a bright light on the serious racial inequities that continue to exist in America. As a school district, we have a part to play in addressing these issues. We need to unite around anti-racism and work harder to understand how our systematic privilege contributes to the pain and injustice inflicted upon Black people. It is not an option to assume, because of mid-coast Maine’s lack of diversity, that this is not our issue. It is. It is everyone’s responsibility to make things right. Not only is our school system educating students who will eventually sprinkle out all over this country, but as an institution that is part of the structure of American society, we are also part of a system that has perpetuated the problem. We need to listen, dig deep for understanding, be vulnerable, and commit ourselves to justice for all. We don’t believe we can do that by being silent. We need to take a deliberate antiracist stand. And through this lens, we realize the opportunity is before us to examine, unearth, and recommend changes to policies, curriculum, and environmental factors within our two districts that contribute to systemic racism, inequities, and exclusion toward all non-majority populations of students.

Learn more about what our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Task Force and our school districts are doing to become part of the solution and educate our school community by clicking on the links within this page. Also, please check out our DEI resources for students, parents and teachers. Check back frequently, we are updating our resources all the time. 

What are we doing?

Summer 2020:Staff/Admin/Board book read of White Fragility to gain a better understanding of systematic racism and white privilege.

Summer/Fall 2020:Convened a DEI Task Force to hold a mirror up to our district to be able to recognize and then dismantle the systemic ways our institution contributes to racism and other inequities. We are looking at curriculum, hiring processes, and equity of access issues. From there, we will determine what steps we can take to change the course of history in our community for all marginalized groups. Task Force meeting agendas and minutes can be found here

Summer/Fall 2021:Developed a Professional Development plan for teachers; hired a firm to do a DEI equity audit for all aspects of our schools and school districts, scheduled to take place in the fall. The DEI Task Force continues to meet on a regular basis to examine our practices.

Fall 2022: Incorporate results and action steps from equity audit into new district Strategic Plan (2023 - 2027).

Click on any school below to see its specific diversity, equity, and inclusion actions and plans.
Camden Hills Regional High School  
Camden Rockport Middle School - Coming soon
Camden Rockport Elementary School  

Statement from the State of Maine

The Maine Department of Education, Maine School Boards Association, Maine School Superintendents Association, Maine Administrators of Services for Children with Disabilities, Maine Education Association, Maine Principals Association, and Maine Curriculum Leaders Association enthusiastically affirm the right of every student to an equitable education. We proudly and steadfastly support the educators and districts in Maine who are taking on the work of understanding and dismantling racism and inequity in our schools and communities. We urge all Maine schools and educators to accept their role and responsibilities in examining and addressing the inequities that have long existed in our society and institutions. Continue reading

Statement from the Department of Education & the Department of Justice

The Department of Education and the Department of Justice released Confronting COVID-19-Related Harassment in Schools, a fact sheet for students and families. You may find this resource on the Office for Civil Rights website in English, Chinese-simplified, Chinese-traditional, Korean, Tagalog, and Vietnamese, with additional translations expected later this month.

This will help ensure that students and families are aware of their rights in school settings and of how to access help if needed, including from the Office for Civil Rights in the Department of Education and the Civil Rights Division in the Department of Justice.

Specific concern about equity?

Please contact your building principal or counselor to share a concern within a school.